91ÉçÇø Leadership Development - 91ÉçÇø Multi-Academy Trust


The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the 91ÉçÇø Family.

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91ÉçÇø Leadership Development

Through managing our talent we are proud to be able to offer a comprehensive leadership progression pathway.

We offer a range of support for leaders and leadership teams at all career stages from those aspiring to their first position of responsibility to those looking to diversify beyond headship.

“Effective professional development should be seen as a key driver not only of staff development, but also of recruitment, retention, wellbeing and school improvement" Extract from Teacher Development Trust’s introduction to DfE Standards for Teachers’ Professional Development, July 2016

The Learning and Development Network Team are able to offer 1:1 coaching sessions with an EMCC accredited coach.

These sessions can be one off sessions to support you with a specific issue or can be ongoing sessions as part of your own professional development.The specific focus of the sessions will be personalised to your needs and vary from client to client.

Some examples of the common areas of focus are: 

  • Leadership development
  • Career development
  • Difficult conversations
  • People management
  • Self confidence
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Relationships
  • Dealing with difficult scenarios
  • Decision making

To request leadership coaching

This support is designed to develop middle leaders in schools to enhance their leadership skills, creating a tier of middle leaders in schools that are inspirational, innovative and imaginative.


Potential Development Areas:

  • Teaching & Learning
  • Implementing Change
  • Leadership vs Management
  • Leading a team
  • Curriculum Development
  • Strategic Planning
  • Data Analysis


"This training helped me to see the power of effective leadership and communication, and the correlation between middle leadership and school improvement"

To enquire about COMPLETE leadership development please email emma.cook@tkat.org